BIRD-Liberia upon the receipt of funding quickly procured Four-4 laptop to the 4 desktop Computers for the training program and reported to our partner-Anike Foundation on the procured computers.
In the process, the total number of eighty-80 participants was recruited or registered for the training, of this number 48 were old students and 32 were new students. Also, 36 were Female and 44 were Male and the project targeted 100 participants to be certificated after 3 months comprehensive computer training.
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BIRD-Liberia with funding support from Anike Foundation-USA the sum of one thousand united states dollars (1,000USD), have successfully completed its first three months of skill training program targeted for 150 youths at age 14-20yrs from slum communities. With the previous experience, we are also starting phase-2 of this project targeting all works of life; elders, youths, students, workers and others. Currently, our intent is to target 100 participants due to available space problem.
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BIRD-Liberia, with support from the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa, conducted one week of COVID-19 infection prevention and control awareness followed with Food assistance to elderly /most need people within 5 communities of Gardnerville Township, Montserrado County, Liberia. As part of the implementation, we set up additional strategic hands-washing stations in those communities and supply Buckets, Fliers, powder Soap, Nose mask, Food and non food items to vulnerable people from within these 5 communities as follows:
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BIRD-Liberia, with support from Anike Foundation USA, conducted two weeks of COVID-19 infection prevention and control awareness in 15 communities within Gardnerville Township, Montserrado County, Liberia. As part of the awareness, we set up strategy handswash stations in communities and supply Fliers, Foam Soap, Buckets, Alcohol based sanitizer as well as Food items.
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